Countdown to Poppy

We’re just a couple of weeks away from getting our new pup, who we’ve named Poppy. We’ve been to see Poppy’s litter at Tannahill Beagles again, and though we still don’t know which of the 4 tricolor girls will be ours, we do know she’ll be gorgeous, because as you can see from the photos below they all are.











As you might expect we’ve been making preparations for the new arrival. I’ve tightened a couple of loose slats on our garden fence and we’re working through the house to remove potential puppy hazards,. Additionally Susan has been preparing a little den for Poppy in our lounge, so that Beanie and Biggles can get used to the new layout before she arrives.


OK let’s have a look at this…


Hmm.. I have to say this is looking a bit suspicious Dad

We also introduced Beanie and Biggles to this sorry looking pink comforter:


We’d left it with the pups on our first visit to acquire their scent, but apparently their Mum (who is an absolute sweetheart) gave it what might be described as “The Beanie Treatment”. It’s now missing a head and various other bits, but it’s back with us, and oh boy does it whiff! It smells so bad that Beanie was cautious about sniffing it for a while, even though she regularly sniffs Biggles’ bum without any adverse reactions. When we stuck it in the door of the playpen, she kept looking at the toy and then at the playpen as though putting the clues together in her little ginger bonce. Biggles on the other hand hasn’t a clue what’s going on, but he got a treat for sniffing the comforter debris so as far as he’s concerned, it’s all good.


If there’s a treat involved, I’ll sniff anything and like it Mum. That said, it does smell considerably worse than my bum.


Another piece of the puzzle clicks into place in Beanie’s head


And yep, I think she’s worked it out..

Any other owners-to-be for members of the Tannahill “V” litter can see more of their photos here:

And here’s a short video clip of the pups doing their thing: