Taking The Peas

Monkey and Daisy have become quite accustomed to snacking on peas over the last month, or in Monkey’s case it would be more accurate to say pea pods, as he still eyes the peas within with great suspicion. Daisy is always ready to vacuum up his leftovers, so everything works out.




We do however have to time the giving of novel treats quite carefully because she’s still almost incapable of just eating them without first playing with them at length. She can conclude her pea-eating rituals in under 5 minutes, but some items take a lot, lot longer. I gave her a little slip of dried fish skin and after waiting for over half an hour and seeing only minimal progress in the eating of it, I had to swap it out for a very familiar biccie so that we could get her out for her walk. If the fish skin was bad, a crunchy chicken foot was way worse. To be honest she was still a little young to be trying such a challenging treat, but she did manage it eventually, though I stopped watching the clock after she crossed the 70 minute barrier..


When Daisy isn’t spending time not chewing things that are meant to be eaten, she does like to chomp on toys, and for some time now her favorite has been this little GoDog purple dinosaur, originally a gift to Beanie & Biggles from our friends Susan & Rob in the US. It had a little pink sibling but this became the subject of rigorous experimentation in Monkey’s laboratory, back when he was working on his PhD. It did not survive. Now a fully-fledged professor of the physical sciences, Monkey no longer sees the appeal of such small toys, which is partly why the purple dinosaur is still with us. It’s now around 8 years old and incredibly it still squeaks! As these toys have become available in the UK I got the nobbly “sitting duck” model and this too has been a big hit with Daisy.





While Daisy isn’t exactly gentle with her toys, she isn’t the destructive vandal that Beanie was so maybe this little guy will still be squeaking in 8 years time!

As usual, here’s a photographic catch-up on the last couple of weeks:









2 Replies to “Taking The Peas”

  1. Susan Hurst

    Wow, I can’t believe the purple dinosaur is still intact, that’s amazing! So glad that Daisy likes it. <3 The photo of the two of them on the folding chair in the garden is so sweet! (Well, they're all sweet photos, but I'm glad to see that the two of them have become so close).

  2. Paul Post author

    @Susan: Yep, those toys are made really well! And as for Monkey & Daisy, about the only time they have a squabble is over a good, smelly rolling location. Food & treats are OK, toys are OK, but a patch of grass with bird poop on it is a resource worth a bit of argy-bargy. We can’t believe how well things are going between them.

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