Signs of Spring

Officially Spring has been with us for a while, but over the last couple of weeks it’s really started to feel like it; the weather has for the most part been brighter and warmer and there are signs of growth everywhere. It’s been an uplifting distraction from the feeling of attrition and decay caused by the lockdown and other current events, and I’m pretty sure the Beaglets are feeling uplifted too.


Filled with the joys of Spring, Beanie & Biggles can’t wait to get going and seize the day, but only once they’ve had a supplementary morning nap in the humie bed. Obviously.


Squeaky rabbits have emerged from the depths of the toy box to roll on the lounge rug!


And empty peanut butter jars have gone on urgent trips down Biggles’ Corridor of Doom.


Only to be carried in a very business-like fashion out of the corridor and into the lounge…


Then back out of the lounge and into the corridor again, because when you’ve nicked a peanut jar you’ve got to chew it in the best possible place.


Our raised beds are filled with compost and ready to receive whatever vegetables we try to grow this year, but right now they’re mostly host to the Beanie plant.


The Beanie plant is considered by some to be a weed, because as soon as you remove it from one raised bed…


it turns up in another one…


After much research, Susan has decided we should use the “no dig” approach for our vegetable-growing adventures. Hopefully Beanie understands that “no dig” applies to her too…